Although cats have a reputation for being more antisocial pets, they can definitely be friendly animals who thrive on building intimate ties with other animals. Today, our Spanish Trail Pet Clinic vets discuss signs that your four-legged friend is looking for a companion, and how to introduce them to each other.
How to Tell if Your Cat Wants Another Cat
Behavior changes, such as erratic sleeping or eating patterns, may indicate that a cat feels lonely. If you're thinking of getting a second cat and your vet agrees, here are seven signs that your cat would benefit from feline friend.
If you notice your cat meowing a lot, following you around, and not leaving you alone, it may require more social interaction. This very demanding behavior could be a sign of separation concerns.
Grooming Practices
Obsessive grooming, which may be a way of self-soothing, could also indicate that your cat would benefit from a companion. If your cat exhibits peculiar grooming habits, don't assume he's lonely as this could potentially signify a medical ailment. If you find your cat looking unkempt and not grooming himself as much, it could be an indication that he or she is lonely or sad, but you should consult a vet first.
A Shift in Sleeping Habits
Loneliness in cats may be indicated by a change in their sleeping habits. If the cat sleeps a lot and no longer interacts with you, it could be because they are lonely and have become melancholy. However, as with any other habit modification, it is critical to screen out any medical difficulties first.
Odd Eating Habits
Is your cat eating more than usual? It could indicate boredom or a lack of social stimulation. The cat, like people, may turn to food when there is nothing else to do. Alternatively, the cat may stop eating because she or he is depressed. A change in eating patterns, on the other hand, may suggest a medical problem, so discuss it with your veterinarian first.
Litter Box Trouble
Unusual litter box behaviors can indicate stress or loneliness. If your previously litter-box-trained kitty begins to pee in other areas of the house, you should notify your veterinarian immediately. Cats are creatures of habit, and when they change their routine, it's like a blinking neon message to humans.
Getting a Cat When You Already Have One
If you've consulted your veterinarian and have determined that there are no medical issues, it could be that your cat is just lonely and needs a friend.
However, it can be tough to know if a cat is ready to live with another cat, but a cautious introduction process will help them get off on the right foot. Here are some steps you can follow and questions to ask yourself:
- How is your cat getting along with the other cats in the neighborhood? If your cat dislikes other cats entering their territory and becomes agitated or angry when this occurs, it could be a hint that they would not accept sharing their home with another cat. Bengals, for example, are ideally suited to being sole cats.
- Is your house large enough to give each cat their own space where they can get away from other cats if they want to?
- Because of the lack of hormones, neutered cats get along considerably better than unneutered cats.
- Cats who are related get along better than cats that are not related.
- Younger cats are more likely than older cats to accept new feline members of the household.
How Do I Know My Cats Like Each Other?
Cats with a strong connection will frequently show clear indicators that they see eachother as friends and run in the same social group. Grooming each other, sleeping, or lying next to each other are examples of these indicators. They may even greet each other by touching noses or making a little meow as they pass by one another.
What if One of My Cats Die?
When a cat who has shared a home with another cat dies, it is normal for owners to want another cat to keep their remaining cat company. We recommend giving your surviving cat some time to adjust to life without their mate before obtaining a new cat or kitten. Cats have particular social needs, so even if they have lived happily beside another cat for a number of years, they may not feel the need for another companion.